20 advantages of green tea

20 advantages of green tea
Of all the health benefits of green tea, weight loss is the most well-known. Green tea is also used to detoxify the body. Liqueur is also used for other less known purposes. Here are some of the benefits offered by green tea, tips and ways to prepare it:

1. Nutrition specialists mention that the polyphenols contained in green tea produce additional heat in the body and help burn calories.

2. Green tea leaves contain epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which helps the body fight cancer cells without negatively influencing the surrounding tissues.

3. Researchers have confirmed after in-depth studies that people who include green tea in their diet are less likely to gain weight than those who do not use green tea.

4. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) helps moderate energy losses over the course of a day

5. Green tea reduces the risk of stroke.

6. Also, green tea has a favorable effect on high blood pressure and bad LDL cholesterol.

7. Green tea contains catechins, polyphenols that decrease the reaction speed of gastric and pancreatic lipases - enzymes responsible for converting calories into fats.

8. Catechins destroy bacteria that can cause food poisoning. The toxins produced by these bacteria are also eradicated.

9. Another action of catechins is to stop the evolution and growth of cancer cells.

10. Green tea contains caffeine in moderate amounts, acting by suppressing the appetite (large amounts of caffeine, such as those found in coffee, can cause medical problems, including hypertension and insomnia).

11. Green tea is indicated for maintaining adequate oral hygiene. It contains fluoride, which has the role of preventing caries. It also contains ingredients that suppress the formation of bacterial plaque and bacteria that cause bad breath.

12. Polysaccharides and other components in green tea help maintain low blood sugar levels.

13. Green tea is rich in antioxidants, especially vitamin E, which slows down the aging process.

14. Following some studies involving subjects who consumed four cups of green tea each day, it was found that it prevents the onset of rheumatoid arthritis and can reduce symptoms in people who already have this condition.

15. For over four thousand years, the Chinese have been using green tea to treat headaches and even depression.

16. Compared to black tea whose leaves are oxidized (fermented), green tea leaves are steamed and retain their natural healing abilities.

17. Green tea is indicated as an adjuvant in the treatment of multiple cardiovascular diseases.

18. In people who constantly consume green tea, a strengthening of the immune system was found.

19. Green tea contains certain substances that stimulate thermogenesis in the body.

20. Green tea compounds help regulate metabolism and suppress appetite. This is the main reason why green tea is considered an important component of a diet.